Our Mediators
After a career as a property lawyer (with lecturing experience in family law, social law and business law at UNISA and UCT) Leslie now applies her experience to alternative strategies for conflict resolution. She has worked both with mainstream property matters and with pro-poor interventions for State-subsidized housing. She has a BA LLB (University of Pretoria), English Honours (UNISA) and a Centre for International and Comparative Labour and Social Security Law Certificate (CICLASS - University of Stellenbosch). In 2015 she completed an MPhil in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (UCT - awarded with distinction). The thesis explored ante-nuptial and inheritance agreements (with dispute resolution clauses) to pre-empt conflict over State-subsidized housing, and the impact of informal practices on State land information systems. Leslie has worked as an attorney, notary and conveyancer in the private sector, as a consultant to local government and with NPO's involved with education and the fine arts. Her voluntary work has included being a board member of the Christian Lawyer's Association.